Your Health, Your Way

My story

If you gathered my friends in a room, they'd probably share how this picture became a meme. While it has its humorous moments, I share it here for a different reason. On that day, I was frustrated because individuals I had worked with for some time weren't listening to each other. They were trying to influence others and making decisions I didn't agree with—and truth be told, I still don’t.

This mirrors my feelings about today’s healthcare system in the U.S. I know I'm not alone in experiencing the following:

  • Being interrupted during consultations

  • Being referred to as someone else’s “problem”

  • Being denied holistic treatment options and offered numerous medications instead

  • Being denied necessary medications because “women are strong” or “let’s see if the pain gets worse first”

  • Being told my symptoms are all in my head

I don’t want this same feeling and frustration to be a part of other women’s stories. Let’s work together to make changes for your menstrual and menopausal health that truly support you!

In 2000, I married my best friend and partner in life, who continues to be a huge advocate for me to this day. Before this special day, I had already faced a few complicated health issues (which I will share on my blog soon). Little did I know, my body and mind were about to be subjected to a healthcare system that was disrespectful, cruel, and apathetic to my concerns. Despite advocating, fighting, and insisting on certain outcomes, my voice was only considered when my husband attended appointments with me.

I kept my story inside for fear of shame and embarrassment, but I realize that so many women have the same story as me. As Brené Brown shares, shame loses its hold on our lives when we are brave enough to share the truth. My truth may be hard for you to read or may trigger you. I have been mistreated by men, sexually, physically, and emotionally abused, and mistreated by medical staff during exams. When I attempted to voice my concerns or object, I was mocked and ignored. Small pieces of me began to form into a rebellion. Our healthcare system must do better, and it is time for women's voices to unite.

My story spans over 25 years and has led me to this space where I aim to create the change I wish to see for other women. Let’s get to know each other and share our stories. Here, there is no place for shame or judgment—only healing and moving forward together.

Transform Your Health Coaching Session: Discover How to Thrive Through Menstrual Cycles and Menopause Phases

In this exclusive session, we will work together to:

  • Craft a Clear Vision for Optimal Health: Define your health goals and create a personalized plan for navigating menstrual cycles and menopausal phases with confidence and ease.

  • Identify Hidden Obstacles: Uncover the underlying challenges that may be hindering your hormonal balance and overall well-being.

  • Reignite Your Energy and Vitality: Leave the session feeling clear, focused, and inspired to take control of your health and live your life to the fullest.

Sign up today for your 60-minute clarity call at no cost to you and get started on inviting YOUR inner wellness!