He Cares Monday: The First Period Playbook - A Dad’s Guide to Navigating a Key Rite of Passage into Womanhood

Hey there, fearless dads!

So, your daughter is about to embark on one of those “firsts” that’s as inevitable as a Monday morning: her first period. This might feel like navigating uncharted waters, but fear not—I've got your back! Here’s your dad-friendly guide to turning this milestone into a smooth sailing experience.

 1. Be the Calm in the Storm

 Imagine it’s a big, scary storm, and your daughter’s the ship. Your job is to be the lighthouse. Stay calm, collected, and supportive. Your relaxed demeanor will help her feel more at ease. A reassuring smile can work wonders.

2. The “Talk” Doesn’t Have to Be a Long One

 Let’s be real: nobody enjoys the “talk.” So, make it casual. You might say something like, “Hey, I hear you’re experiencing something new. If you need anything—pads, tampons, or just a chat—I’m here for you.” Keep it light and supportive. She might act like she’s super embarrassed or roll her eyes, but keep offering your support anyway. Trust me, it will matter later in her life when she’s navigating the world as a young woman!

3. Stock Up on Supplies

 Pro tip: have a stash of menstrual products at home. Think of it as a “Period Prep Kit” (PPK for short). Include a variety of options: pads, tampons, and maybe even some chocolate because, well, who doesn’t appreciate a sweet treat during this time?

 4. Be Ready for the Emotional Roller Coaster

Hormones can make even the calmest among us a bit unpredictable, so be prepared for mood swings that might rival a weather forecast. Your patience and understanding will be appreciated more than you know. Sometimes, simply saying, “I’m here if you need to talk,” is all it takes. It might be tempting to treat her like you would a young man with jokes and ribbing, but that approach can discourage open conversation about this important monthly event. Instead, practice discussing it in the mirror or your room until you’re comfortable. This will help make the experience smoother and more manageable for her.

5. Celebrate the Milestone

 It’s not just about navigating this change; it’s about acknowledging it. A small gesture, like taking her out for ice cream or a favorite meal, can turn this transition into a positive experience. After all, it’s a significant moment in her life

6. Lean on your new period pal…..ME!

You don’t have to do this alone. I have support items all over my website. Utilize those to educate yourself and/or share it with your daughter. I talk about periods for a living, so use me! We got this!

Remember, being there for your daughter during her first period is more about your support and less about knowing all the ins and outs of menstruation. Show her that you care, and you’ll both get through this just fine.

 So, dads, go forth with confidence! Your daughter’s first period is just another opportunity for you to show how much you care.

 Cheers to being a stellar support system!


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