He Cares Monday: Single Fathers - Supporting Your Child Through Challenging Period Symptoms

As a single father, helping your child through their teenage years can be challenging, especially when it comes to something as personal as their menstrual cycle. Understanding the symptoms they may experience and how you can support them can make all the difference. Let’s break down some common symptoms your child might face during their period and provide practical tips on how you can help them feel more comfortable and supported.

Common Period Symptoms & How You Can Help

  1. Cramps (Dysmenorrhea)

    • What it is: Abdominal pain or discomfort caused by contractions of the uterus.

    • How to Help: Encourage them to use a heating pad or take a warm bath. Offer over-the-counter pain relief like ibuprofen and remind them to stay hydrated. Simply being there and letting them rest can make a big difference.

  2. Mood Swings

    • What it is: Hormonal changes during menstruation can lead to irritability, sadness, or frustration.

    • How to Help: Be patient and understanding. Listen without judgment, and offer to do something fun or relaxing together to lighten their mood.

  3. Bloating

    • What it is: A feeling of fullness or swelling in the abdomen, often caused by water retention.

    • How to Help: Encourage them to drink water and eat healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables. Light exercise, such as walking, can help reduce bloating and improve their mood.

  4. Fatigue

    • What it is: Feeling unusually tired or low on energy, often caused by hormonal fluctuations.

    • How to Help: Make sure they’re getting plenty of sleep. Encourage them to rest and offer to take over some of their chores or responsibilities during this time.

  5. Headaches

    • What it is: Hormonal changes during their period can trigger headaches or migraines.

    • How to Help: Ensure they stay hydrated and provide a quiet space for them to relax. Offer over-the-counter pain relief if needed and suggest minimizing screen time.

  6. Acne

    • What it is: Hormonal changes can lead to an increase in breakouts.

    • How to Help: Encourage good skincare habits, such as washing their face daily with gentle products. Reassure them that this is normal and will pass, and seek advice from a dermatologist if needed.

  7. Nausea

    • What it is: Some teens may feel nauseous during their period due to hormonal changes.

    • How to Help: Offer small, light meals and keep them hydrated. Ginger tea or peppermint can help ease nausea.

Upcoming Program

I’m excited to announce I am currently working on an upcoming program, designed specifically to help fathers like you feel confident in supporting their children through periods and beyond. In this program, you’ll learn about the menstrual cycle, common symptoms, and how to address them with kindness, understanding, and practical solutions. With this program, you’ll gain knowledge that can strengthen your relationship with your child and help them feel more supported during this sensitive time.

Upcoming Instagram Videos

I’m also excited to announce that this week, starting Sunday, August 18th, I’ll be sharing my top 7 favorite books to help fathers understand the menstrual cycle and how to support their children through it. These books offer invaluable knowledge and insights, giving you the confidence to approach this topic with greater understanding and care.


The Algorithm of Life: Balancing Business, Stress, and Hormones


Nutrition That Supports You During Menopause